Saturday, January 27, 2007

So nice to hear from you emmy. Miss you much.

Hehe, well, glad emilyn is studying hard and being a good girl now. ( I hope )
The rest of you!!!!!! What's happening?! Who's dating who?!
Well, Valentines Day IS coming, but no, my Valentine is all the way across the world and I have nobody here physically with me. Phooey. Lucky Sharon eh?

School has been pretty busy so far, been doing lots of things.
We'll be having this major carnival to raise funds, and we'll be running our own stalls n everything, so Joy is coming down to Singapore to deliver some stuff! Anything u wanna pass to me or wtv give it to her k! :)

I love you guys still and you are always in my heart. Cheesy, but I remember you. :)

Posted by *andymay at 7:09 PM

Thursday, January 25, 2007


hope everybodys doing well!.sorry i havent been posting. this is what i call a DEAD BLOG.hehe.
POST GUYS!. i havent been hearing bout you.): manda,your all the way in singpore!,tell us smth.the ONLY thing thats cool here is church & school.(for me that is)
Well just to let you guys know,i decided to be a nerd this year.& i'm starting already.I'm actually studying my ass off.hopefully,all this studying will do me good.

I've been feeling quiet CRAPPY these days.dunno why.
a lil bit confused,but i think everything would work out just fine.
oooohhh!!. HARRY POTTER is coming out!.woohoo.cant wait to watch it.mmm.(:

btw.VALENTINE'S DAY IS COMING!!.everybody's got their valentine?.
i know manda & SN has one.(in this blog).hehee.hope you guys enjoy yours.& mel yeoh is back!.i only saw her last week.THAT MAJOR NUT!!.muahahaa. have to to hang with her before she leaves again.

this is all i can think of for please!!.


Posted by Anonymous at 5:57 PM

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Finally i'm posting here. It's been 4 months since my last post.. heheh

Blessed Belated Christmas and A Happy New Year!

First off, sorry manda that i didnt turn up for ur bday party in the end! Super sorry. Besides, not like it was ur real birthday day or month.. hehe.. But you know i love ya..
Secondly, Congrats Sharon for scoring straight A's in PMR.. You make us proud baybeh :)

Well, sharon, apparently when i looked up on the wife beater shirt thingi like a year back, it was said that it was named after the men who used to beat up their wives wore those type of shirts back in the old days.. Does make sense to me.. but heck, i don't really wanna know. Just like i dont wanna know why they called another type of long inner singlet/shirt Long John.. Gosh, these ppl do come up with weird names for garments.

Melissa oh melissa, where for art thou Melissa?

Posted by `peiling at 1:12 AM

Monday, December 18, 2006

Okay guys, time for an educational post.

Did you know that the shirt he's wearing is called a WIFE-BEATER? Yes, weird indeed. oh well. I think it's a hot shirt eitherways. Simple, but hot.

Happy coming birthday, manda panda banana!

Posted by sharon at 11:43 PM

Friday, November 10, 2006

this perhaps?.

Posted by Anonymous at 7:00 PM

WOOOII!. black nails!. :) what is LOVE to you?.;D

Posted by Anonymous at 6:56 PM

Friday, October 27, 2006

I'm very sorry Mel, but I'm bringing forward the party to the 19th or the 20th. I know you might kill me for this, but I have very very good reasons for it and I'm so so sorryyyyy... But on the positive side, emmy and family can make it then.
I'm sorry Mel!!! I miss you lots and i love you lots too, don't take any offence from my bringing forward! I'll explain when we talk k?! :( I'm still very sorry....
The rest of you! Your asses better be there.

Posted by *andymay at 7:48 PM

Friday, October 06, 2006

half way through exams!.almost done man!.anyways,hope your all doing fine.dont stress,know that GODS always with you.(: Mandy,so lucky.exams over.); cant wait for you to come back.although i cant come for the in november...we'll have our own little party!. :-)

Posted by Anonymous at 10:40 PM

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Yoohoo. Exams are over!!
I know the same can't be said for everybody, but just a short message to say:

Can't wait. Love yah love yah. :)

Posted by *andymay at 6:01 PM

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

this will be a short post. omg. i really feel so stressed out. i don't even know why i'm blogging when i should really be studying. i've never felt this stressed out before. even for spm, it wasn't as bad. so i'm currently having my exams. and my last paper is on thursday - econs. and i know absolutely nothing about it. i've been trying to study it for the past 2 hours but i haven't even manage to get through one week's lecture notes. and i have ten. arrggh! and most of my friends are done with their exams and are currently over at another friend's house. and i really just feel like giving up on trying to study and just go over. but somehow, something inside of me is just not allowing me to do so. i really hate this feeling. i can't wait to thurs afternoon when i'm free. then i will have almost 3 weeks of hols. i definitely can't wait for that. but i really thank God that my past two papers were alright. although literature and was annoying and the invigilator didn't let me finish my concluding sentence thus i had to leave it hanging, it could have been far worst. i just hope i do really well for this term's exam. i really don't wanna get poor results and dissappoint my parents. ish. anyway, time to stop procrastinating and continue studying. hope u guys are having a better week than i am. miss you all loads. love.

Posted by melissa_ish at 7:29 PM

Sunday, September 03, 2006

memories.... Posted by Picasa

Posted by *andymay at 8:49 PM

Friday, September 01, 2006

Hi girls!
Hehe. Emmy: I miss you too. And yes, John and I are doing alright. We're going great...
Since he left, it's been smooth sailing. Miss him like crap though.

It's the holidays now. I went shopping today... bought a really gorgeous top that costs RM 129 in zara kl but only 36 sing dollars here in a diff store. Haha... complete steal!

And I had sushi for lunch with my friends. I swear, having sushi is like a weekly ritual for us. We're addicted or something, i think its the raw salmon or the special soya sauce. For me it's both! And the sushi eating experience here is cool, especially if u have the buffet. Food is really expensive here, but if u think bout it in Sing dollars and not ringgit, it's pretty worth it.

Well, there's this mall called Far East Plaza that I think emilyn would love! If you ever come here i'll bring you there :)
Anyway, i'm not coming back this holiday. I'm only coming back in december for Christmas. Sniff. I want my puppy. hahahaha.

Glad to hear that EO6 went great. I knew it would be...
Hope your journey does not end here, but continues long after the hype has died down. I have faith in you girls.

Love always.

Posted by *andymay at 9:12 PM

Thursday, August 31, 2006

you dont miss me sharon NG!!!.): hehe.e06 was kick ass,i wished it didnt end so fast.unfortunetly,bukit cahaya activities had to be cut off cos of the rain.but it was overall good!.concerts were awesome.right sharon?!.=p it was so silly,like all the ''girls'',you guys know....nicole blah blah...they were drooling over this kk dude!,named Darryl.haha,it was pretty,what else happened sharon?!.um,i made new friends!!.=D heeeh!.their really nice.They come from a church in pj,not sure where though.their names are eunice and jin ching.or smth.haha.timothy was doing his little flirting ritual as was very cool!.mandy,mel,pei,you should have been there!!!!.sorry for rubbin it in.): do forgive me.its hard not to brag bout this confrence.Carnival!,it was amazing.There was this girl in prima idol,her singing was wonderfull.i did face painting,it was a blue flower.very very very VERY pretty!.teehe. anyways,whats up mandy?.is everything ok with you and john?.(:

Posted by Anonymous at 9:20 PM

Sunday, August 27, 2006


Long time no being here. Anyway, I MISS YOU GUYS! .. except for emmy. Seen too much of her in e06.. haaaaahaaaa! Just kidding bebs.

Speaking of e06, it was great! Besides certain parts that unfortunately had to get cut off.. but yea. The shirt is orangeeee! hehe. Oh yeah, the concert was really niiiiiiccccccceeee! The MC is quite hot. *woops!* haha. Anyway, see more of it at my blog.

Oo. There was one time when a bunch of us was talking then we got to the topic of Ps. Kay! .. and her never-ending dilemma of no hubbie. Sooo reminded me of you guys okay. hahaha! Someone suggested the worship leader of the SIB BM band, and I thought he would be like tall, big and buff and stuff. Butttttttt.. in turned out to be the opposite! So no hope for thaat one..

I think Ps. Nick Reesce would be perfect for her. That is IFFFF he wasn't already married.. who knows she might like gwai lo's??! ngeeeee~

Okay dokay. I've gotta goooo.. PMR in a month's time! Agggggghh.

Posted by sharon at 6:26 PM

Monday, August 21, 2006

Haha... It's about time someone started posting. :)
Well, about the whole cell group thing. TECHNICALLY, cells are for you to grow or impart. And for pei pei and I, Since 1991 is the cell where we impart, and Simply United is for us to learn. Although I don't really belong to simply united haha, just went a couple of times, and Love unAshamed doesn't exist anymore, but who the heck cares? The thing is we built strong relationships and learnt loads through that cell and that's what's sticking with us, and is the very reason why we started this blog. So we wouldn't grow apart like any other cell, that we were a cell, are still a cell and always will be a cell.
! Enough emo soppiness.
Anyway, I have nothing much to say bout my life now, except that it's feeling rather empty. My results aren't doing great, but you know the feeling where you don't think you can't do anything about it and... GAH. It's just so annoying. I don't know what to do... I'm not exactly like the worst student but then in Singapore, you have to compete amongst every single one for that same spot in University. A Levels suck, it's just like SPM a notch higher.
And things with John? Kinda shaky, we've been fighting quite alot lately. Cos he spends way too much gay time with his friends. But whatever... when all of them aren't there for him, I'll be there and when i'm not, then he'll realize how wrong he is for pushing me away. Yeah.

My family is getting a puppy! Finally. It's a golden retriever and I can't WAIT to go back to see it.

Waiting for your updates girls!
Miss ya love ya.

Posted by *andymay at 6:00 PM

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